Lancaster, PA Divorce & Family Law Attorney Steven R. Blair counsels and represents clients in court when there is a marital breakdown. He advises clients with respect to divorce. He prepares premarital and postmarital agreements.
Unfortunately, a burgeoning area of the law involves the breakdown of marital relationships. Several decades ago divorce was the exception rather than the rule and only could be achieved after a court hearing in which fault on the part of one spouse was established. For better or worse, legislatures across the county have made divorce an easier result to achieve by permitting no-fault divorce. In Pennsylvania, a divorce can be granted on a no-fault basis if the parties agree to sign consents after 90 days of service of a divorce complaint or, if there is no agreement, after one year of physical separation, provided there is no dispute as to the length of separation and there are no claims being made requiring a court determination as to the claims.
The Law Office of Steven R. Blair handles uncontested divorces. Initial consultations are offered without charge.
In the case of second marriages or first marriages when there is exists significant differences in the assets of the prospective spouses it is imperative that consideration be given to having a premarital agreement prepared and executed by the parties to outline what happens in the event the marriage breaks down. Without such an agreement, both spouses may end up spending wholly extravagant and unnecessary legal fees and not see the marriage dissolved until after many acrimonious years. In addition, as part of the dissolution of marriage process, postnuptial agreements are prepared addressing issues such as division of assets and liabilities, alimony, and support. It is imperative for divorcing spouses to have such agreements that are enforceable in court with attorney’s fees to be paid by the breaching party. Attorney Blair regularly prepares these types of agreements on behalf of clients.